Sequence search

Three kinds of on-line search functions are provided:

  1. Exact search
  2. Approximate search
  3. Regular expression search

These are all specialized for biological sequences and ambiguities of symbols are considered.

Exact search functions search for an occurrence of the query symbol or sequence. Four functions, search, searchindex, rsearch, and rsearchindex are available:

julia> seq = dna"ACAGCGTAGCT";

julia> search(seq, DNA_G)  # search a query symbol

julia> query = dna"AGC";

julia> search(seq, query)  # search a query sequence

julia> searchindex(seq, query)

julia> rsearch(seq, query)  # similar to `search` but in the reverse direction

julia> rsearchindex(seq, query)  # similar to `searchindex` but in the reverse direction

These search functions take ambiguous symbols into account. That is, if two symbols are compatible (e.g. DNA_A and DNA_N), they match when searching an occurrence. In the following example, 'N' is a wild card that matches any symbols:

julia> search(dna"ACNT", DNA_N)  # 'A' matches 'N'

julia> search(dna"ACNT", dna"CGT")  # 'N' matches 'G'

julia> search(dna"ACGT", dna"CNT")  # 'G' matches 'N'

The exact sequence search needs preprocessing phase of query sequence before searching phase. This would be enough fast for most search applications. But when searching a query sequence to large amounts of target sequences, caching the result of preprocessing may save time. The ExactSearchQuery creates such a preprocessed query object and is applicable to the search functions:

julia> query = ExactSearchQuery(dna"ATT");

julia> search(dna"ATTTATT", query)

julia> rsearch(dna"ATTTATT", query)

The approximate search is similar to the exact search but allows a specific number of errors. That is, it tries to find a subsequence of the target sequence within a specific Levenshtein distance of the query sequence:

julia> seq = dna"ACAGCGTAGCT";

julia> approxsearch(seq, dna"AGGG", 0)  # nothing matches with no errors

julia> approxsearch(seq, dna"AGGG", 1)  # seq[3:5] matches with one error

julia> approxsearch(seq, dna"AGGG", 2)  # seq[1:4] matches with two errors

Like the exact search functions, four kinds of functions (approxsearch, approxsearchindex, approxrsearch, and approxrsearchindex) are available:

julia> seq = dna"ACAGCGTAGCT"; pat = dna"AGGG";

julia> approxsearch(seq, pat, 2)        # return the range (forward)

julia> approxsearchindex(seq, pat, 2)   # return the starting index (forward)

julia> approxrsearch(seq, pat, 2)       # return the range (backward)

julia> approxrsearchindex(seq, pat, 2)  # return the starting index (backward)

Preprocessing can be cached in an ApproximateSearchQuery object:

julia> query = ApproximateSearchQuery(dna"AGGG");

julia> approxsearch(dna"AAGAGG", query, 1)

julia> approxsearch(dna"ACTACGT", query, 2)

Query patterns can be described in regular expressions. The syntax supports a subset of Perl and PROSITE's notation.

The Perl-like syntax starts with biore (biological regular expression) and ends with a symbol option: "dna", "rna" or "aa". For example, biore"A+"dna is a regular expression for DNA sequences and biore"A+"aa is for amino acid sequences. The symbol options can be abbreviated to its first character: "d", "r" or "a", respectively.

Here are examples of using the regular expression for BioSequences:

julia> match(biore"A+C*"dna, dna"AAAACC")

julia> match(biore"A+C*"d, dna"AAAACC")

julia> ismatch(biore"A+C*"dna, dna"AAC")

julia> ismatch(biore"A+C*"dna, dna"C")

match always returns a Nullable object and it should be null if no match is found.

The table below summarizes available syntax elements.

Syntax Description Example
\| alternation "A\|T" matches "A" and "T"
* zero or more times repeat "TA*" matches "T", "TA" and "TAA"
+ one or more times repeat "TA+" matches "TA" and "TAA"
? zero or one time "TA?" matches "T" and "TA"
{n,} n or more times repeat "A{3,}" matches "AAA" and "AAAA"
{n,m} n-m times repeat "A{3,5}" matches "AAA", "AAAA" and "AAAAA"
^ the start of the sequence "^TAN*" matches "TATGT"
$ the end of the sequence "N*TA$" matches "GCTA"
(...) pattern grouping "(TA)+" matches "TA" and "TATA"
[...] one of symbols "[ACG]+" matches "AGGC"

eachmatch, matchall, and search are also defined like usual strings:

julia> matchall(biore"TATA*?"d, dna"TATTATAATTA")  # overlap (default)
4-element Array{Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}},1}:

julia> matchall(biore"TATA*"d, dna"TATTATAATTA", false)  # no overlap
2-element Array{Bio.Seq.BioSequence{Bio.Seq.DNAAlphabet{4}},1}:

julia> search(dna"TATTATAATTA", biore"TATA*"d)

julia> search(dna"TATTATAATTA", biore"TATA*"d, 2)

Notewothy differences from strings are:

The PROSITE notation is described in ScanProsite - user manual. The syntax supports almost all notations including the extended syntax. The PROSITE notation starts with prosite prefix and no symbol option is needed because it always describes patterns of amino acid sequences:

julia> match(prosite"[AC]-x-V-x(4)-{ED}", aa"CPVPQARG")

julia> match(prosite"[AC]xVx(4){ED}", aa"CPVPQARG")

Sequence composition

Sequence composition can be easily calculated using the composition function:

julia> comp = composition(dna"ACGAG")
DNA Composition:
  DNA_Gap => 0
  DNA_A   => 2
  DNA_C   => 1
  DNA_M   => 0
  DNA_G   => 2
  DNA_R   => 0
  DNA_S   => 0
  DNA_V   => 0
  DNA_T   => 0
  DNA_W   => 0
  DNA_Y   => 0
  DNA_H   => 0
  DNA_K   => 0
  DNA_D   => 0
  DNA_B   => 0
  DNA_N   => 0

julia> comp[DNA_A]

julia> comp[DNA_T]

To accumulate composition statistics of multiple sequences, merge! can be used as follows:

julia> # initiaize an empty composition counter
       comp = composition(dna"");
ERROR: UndefVarError: @dna_str not defined

julia> # iterate over sequences and accumulate composition statistics into `comp`
       for seq in seqs
           merge!(comp, composition(seq))
ERROR: UndefVarError: seqs not defined

julia> # or functional programming style in one line
       foldl((x, y) -> merge(x, composition(y)), composition(dna""), seqs)
ERROR: UndefVarError: @dna_str not defined

composition is also applicable to a k-mer iterator:

julia> comp = composition(each(DNAKmer{4}, dna"ACGT"^100));

julia> comp[DNAKmer("ACGT")]

julia> comp[DNAKmer("CGTA")]