
BioBridgeR.jl Compatibility between R classes and BioJulia types for bioinformatics

Latest release:

Latest Release BioBridgeR License BioJulia maintainer: Ward9250

Development status:

Build Status Build status codecov


BioBridgeR.jl provides submodules providing compatibility with biology and bioinformatics R packages by extending RCall.jl.

Each submodule is dedicated to one R package. Each submodule allows you to send BioJulia datatypes from a julia session to an R session, automatically converting them to an object of the relevant class from that R package. Conversely, objects of a class defined in the given R package can be transferred from the R session to a julia session, whilst automatically converting them to the relevant BioJulia data type.


Install BioBridgeR from the Julia REPL:

julia> Pkg.add("BioBridgeR")

If you are interested in the cutting edge of the development, please check out the master branch to try new features before release.