BED is a text-based file format for representing genomic annotations like genes, transcripts, and so on. A BED file has tab-delimited and variable-length fields; the first three fields denoting a genomic interval are mandatory.

This is an example of RNA transcripts:

chr9	68331023	68424451	NM_015110	0	+
chr9	68456943	68486659	NM_001206	0	-

The BED package supports I/O for BED by providing the following three types:

  • Reader type: BED.Reader
  • Writer type: BED.Writer
  • Element type: BED.Record


Here is a common workflow to iterate over all records in a BED file:

# Import the BED module.
using BED

# Open a BED file.
reader = open(BED.Reader, "data.bed")

# Iterate over records.
for record in reader
    # Do something on record (see Accessors section).
    chrom = BED.chrom(record)
    # ...

# Finally, close the reader.

The iterator interface demonstrated above allocates an object for each record and that may be a bottleneck of reading data from a file. In-place reading reuses a pre-allocated object for every record and less memory allocation happens in reading:

# Import the BED module.
using BED

# Open a BED file.
reader = open(BED.Reader, "data.bed")

# Pre-allocate record.
record = BED.Record()
while !eof(reader)
    read!(reader, record)
    # do something

# Finally, close the reader.

If you repeatedly access records within specific ranges, it would be more efficient to construct an IntervalCollection object from a BED reader:

using BED
using GenomicFeatures

# Create an interval collection in memory.
icol = open(BED.Reader, "data.bed") do reader

# Query overlapping records.
for interval in eachoverlap(icol, Interval("chrX", 40001, 51500))
    # A record is stored in the metadata field of an interval.
    record = metadata(interval)
    # ...